
陶瓷製造, 用作演示熱漲冷縮之現象非常簡單精彩先將佛陀公仔放於水中, 讓公仔的陶瓷物質於低溫時
吸夠水, 然後用熱水灑在公仔頭部, 同學們便可見一道幼小水柱從公仔的右手小孔射出, 歷時十數秒, 距離
可達一公尺, 有趣非常.
Dimension of model : 60mm height, brown in color
Item no : KE6094

THERMAL contracting model
Porcelin made, buddhist model to demonstrate heat expand and cold contract of physical phenomenon. Placing model into hot water , then immersed into cold water, again pouring hot water over model, a powerful water jet from the hand of model for over 20 second, the distance of water jet about 1 meter.
Dimension of model : 60mm height, brown in color
Item no : KE6094


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