Sheep help rabbit 羊媽拉兔

當兔子吊下檯邊, 羊媽媽便想辦法拉牠上來, 可是羊媽媽們氣力不夠, 於是便一步一步地向檯邊移近 , 樣子十分有趣. 這種是童年時十分受歡迎之小玩具, 現在可讓老師應用於位能與動能之轉變學說上, 既易明又生動 !!
Sheep mother want to pull the pity rabbit from the danger cliff, but sheep is not enough strong, so she move toward the cliff step by step, help her !!
This is an tradional toy for children however we apply for science can interesting explaining what is energy , force and motion relationship. Using Newton law , Energy conservation theory to remind student what happen to sheep and rabbit in this situation.
Item no : Sheep 333

@@@ KELAB 嘉里達科儀教具 @@@