POTENTIAL Release buckets 位能下降水桶

波子由上桶掉向下桶, 遂個遂個落, 有如彈子機, 位能變動能給不斷減少.
It is a popular and simple apparatus to show the energy transfer from Potential energy to Kinetic energy. Drop a marble at the most upper bucket, then it will fall to the lowest bucket by one bucket fall to another bucket Wood construction,supplied with : Height 30cm , buckets x 6nos , marble x 2
Item KE 5420

POTENTIAL Release Bug Cart 位能下降虫虫車

It is a popular and simple apparatus to show the energy transfer from Potential energy to Kinetic energy.Height of Wooden Stand : 330 mm
Dimension of Bug Cart : 50 x 20 mm
Item : KE 3927

POTENTIAL Release Bird 位能下降啄木鳥

利用摩擦力原理只要輕輕一推啄木鳥的身體,牠便開始擺動身體,由於身體連繫著一枚小彈簧,摩擦力和地心吸力的平衡作用之下;牠便慢慢向下顫動,由頂到移動到底部大約需要20-30秒鐘。 這款啄木鳥的設計可以給物理老師講解有關摩擦力、牛頓力學、位能動能等學說。啄木鳥 木材製造彩色羽毛裝飾十分漂亮 Height of Stainless Steel Stand : 400 mm
Item KE 4312
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