共鳴洗手盆 (魚洗)

魚洗是一個其內壁有魚或龍等浮雕的倣古青銅盆, 盆的上緣焊有二個摩擦用的把手.
當用雙手手心分別在盆的兩個把手上來回摩擦時, 盆中水面邊緣將有對稱的四處不斷
往上噴射大量水滴, 高達30cm以上, 如噴泉, 並發出尖響, 蔚為奇觀.魚洗是中國古代科技一大發明, 早在漢代出現. 據文獻記載, 在我國明代, 魚洗曾是皇親國戚.才子佳人的玩藝之物. 其作用原理是盆壁上產生共嗚駐波, 因而現時魚洗是一種很好的教學儀器和科學館(香港科學館)展品. 而其玩藝富有情趣及能活動筋骨, 所以它是中老年和女性鍛鍊身體的最佳器材. 附說明書及實驗方法,讓老師詳細解釋其原理.
Dimension : Upper Diameter of basin 40cm , Bottom diameter of basin 22cm, Height 18cm (including handle)
參考資料 : 物理大詞典 人文出版社 台灣1979年10月初版第1342頁 香港中學會考物理ETV
Item no : JHL 621

CHINESE Magic Basin
It is an interesting , tranditional famous chinese scientific equipment, made of brass with engrave picture of fish.
Magic basic is developed during Han of china, only the king's family of Han could play with this device.
Later, magic basic introduce to educational field as an popular Physics teaching aids to study about stationary waves, resonance effect or some scientific competition event. Putting your hands over both ear of magic basic, polish the ears with rhythm, then 30cm height of water spray will form at resonance point. Dimension : Upper Diameter of basin 40cm , Bottom diameter of basin 22cm, Height 18cm (including handle)
Item no : JHL 621


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