(一枚大電池操作), 電磁場之力度連幾位大漢也不能分開, 十分驚人 !!
Item no : JHL 601 each kit (不包括猴子)

POWERFUL Electromagnet Kit
The powerful electromagnet kit is a new popular type of physics demonstration apparatus. The kit can produce 60kg of pull using only a 1.5kg dry cell. Even two adults can not pull apart the two parts of the kit; a electromagnet and an armature. Obviously, demonstrating the kit will leave a deep impression about principle, effect and application of electromagnet on students. It will rouse their strong interest in science and technology; help them realize how great is the power of science. The kit contains the following parts :
electromagnets (2) armature (3) handle (4) safety screw
Item no : JHL 601 each kit (not including monkey)



@@@ KELAB 嘉里達科儀教具 www.KELABHK.com @@@