陀螺健身球 Invigorate Ball

這是一個美國近年流行的科學玩具, 基於陀螺儀原理。健身球有一拉繩, 一手持球, 一手拉繩使健身球中的陀螺轉動, 此時要把球持特定角度, 手腕需扭動跟陀螺轉動配合, 起初陀螺為每秒一轉, 很快陀螺便越轉越快, 直至以一百轉每秒高速(8000rpm)轉動, 並產生嗡嗡叫聲, 蔚為奇觀。由於手握此高轉健身球, 你會感受到扭動壓力, Circular motion force 和 torque of force之感覺
This ball is a new design exercising apparatus which is made according of mechanic theory. Don't need battery . It can be started up by hand. When the inner rotor spinning , your hand will be led to running because of centrifugal effect.
Item no : JHL 944

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