
本儀器適用於高、初中物理教學中演示氣體作功時,氣體的內能增加、溫度升高1。 同時也很直觀地說明了柴油機(Diesel engines)的壓縮點火原理2。本演示在原理上跟焦耳的熱功當量實驗相同,然而比後者大為簡便易行、更直觀而有趣。
本儀器由氣缸部分和滑塞部分二者組成。氣缸部分由有機玻璃制的缸體1和膠木制的氣缸底座2組成:活塞部分由橡皮圈活塞3、 活塞杆4、活塞杆柄5和活塞杆導向蓋6組成。另附發火材料硝化棉一小袋、用於密封氣缸內壁和活塞間間隙的凡士林油一小盒、備用活塞橡皮圈2個。
Item No : JHL 729

Fire Syringe
It is an useful apparatus to illustrate internal energy of air increasing during pressure sudden increase
. It is similar to the principle internal combustion engine of car. Demonstration of Joule's experiment is also an convenience method.
Apparatus contains pressure transparent air cylinder, piston, piston stopper, fire material and nitrate cotton, with enclosed system use vaseline and spare rubber bands.
Item No : JHL 729

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